
🔥 Asynchronous Python library for Instagram Private API 2025

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Viewing and managing your profile

Method Return Description
account_info() Account Get private info for your account (e.g. email, phone_number)
account_edit(email: str, phone_number: str, username: str, full_name: str, biography: str, external_url: str) Account Change profile data
account_change_picture(path: Path) UserShort Change Profile picture
send_confirm_email(email: str) dict Send confirmation code to new email address
send_confirm_phone_number(phone_number: str) dict Send confirmation code to new phone number


>>> from aiograpi import Client
>>> cl = Client()
>>> await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
>>> (await cl.account_info()).dict()
{'pk': 1903424587,
 'username': 'example',
 'full_name': 'Example Example',
 'is_private': False,
 'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl(''),
 'is_verified': False,
 'biography': 'Engineer: Python, JavaScript, Erlang, Go, Swift\n@dhbastards \n@bestskatetrick \n@asphalt_kings_lb \n@best_drift_daily \n@wrclive \n@surferyone \n@bmxtravel',
 'external_url': '',
 'is_business': False,
 'birthday': '1984-01-01',
 'phone_number': '+79991234567',
 'gender': 1,
 'email': ''}

>>> await cl.account_edit(external_url='')
Account(pk=1903424587, username='example', ..., external_url='')

>>> media_pk = await cl.media_pk_from_url('')

>>> profile_pic_path = await cl.photo_download(media_pk, folder='/tmp')

>>> await cl.account_change_picture(profile_pic_path)
UserShort(pk=1903424587, username='example', ...)

>>> await cl.send_confirm_email("")
    'is_email_legit': False,
    'title': 'Email Already in Use',
    'body': 'The email address you entered is already used on your account. Enter a different one to update your contact info.',
    'error_type': 'email_unchanged',
    'status': 'ok'

>>> await cl.send_confirm_phone_number("+5599999999")
    'action': 'sms_sent',
    'phone_verification_settings': {'max_sms_count': 2,
    'resend_sms_delay_sec': 60,
    'robocall_count_down_time_sec': 30,
    'robocall_after_max_sms': True},
    'status': 'ok'

Low level methods:

Method Return Description
news_inbox_v1(mark_as_seen: bool = False) dict Get “Active recently” as is (old and new stories)


>>> await cl.news_inbox_v1()
{'story_mentions': {'mentions_count_string': '0 stories mention you.',
  'reels': [],
  'product_stories_count': '0 stories mention your product.',
  'product_stories_reels': []},
 'counts': {'likes': 0,
  'activity_feed_dot_badge': 0,
  'relationships': 0,
  'new_posts': 0,
  'comments': 0,
  'comment_likes': 0,
  'shopping_notification': 0,
  'fundraiser': 0,
  'usertags': 0,
  'campaign_notification': 0,
  'photos_of_you': 0,
  'story_mentions': 0,
  'requests': 0},
 'last_checked': 1625468461.1633658,
 'friend_request_stories': [],
 'new_stories': [{'story_type': 159,
   'type': 13,
   'args': {'rich_text': 'An unrecognized XiaoMi MI 5s just logged in near Moscow, Russia, RU',
    'destination': 'login_activity',
    'icon_url': '',
    'should_icon_apply_filter': True,
    'icon_should_apply_filter': True,
    'extra': {'lat': 55.7522, 'long': 37.6156},
    'actions': ['hide'],
    'timestamp': 1625475888.805998,
    'tuuid': '0ceff44c-dd70-11eb-8080-808080808080',
    'clicked': False},
   'counts': {},
   'pk': 'xjQlWRMfNO+f739i2qZ1zf8HJTo='}],
 'old_stories': [{'type': 3,
   'story_type': 101,
   'args': {'links': [{'start': 24,
      'end': 33,