
🔥 Asynchronous Python library for Instagram Private API 2025

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Viewing, downloading, uploading and editing publications

In terms of Instagram, this is called Media, usually users call it publications or posts

Basic terms:

Media types:

Viewing and editing publication

Method Return Description
media_id(media_pk: int) str Return media_id by media_pk (e.g. 2277033926878261772 -> 2277033926878261772_1903424587)
media_pk(media_id: str) int Return media_pk by media_id (e.g. 2277033926878261772_1903424587 -> 2277033926878261772)
media_pk_from_code(code: str) int Return media_pk
media_pk_from_url(url: str) int Return media_pk
user_medias(user_id: str, amount: int = 20) List[Media] Get list of medias by user_id
user_medias_paginated(user_id: str, amount: int = 0, end_cursor: str = “”) Tuple[List[Media], str] Get one page of medias by user_id
user_clips(user_id: str, amount: int = 50) List[Media] Get list of clips (reels) by user_id
usertag_medias(user_id: str, amount: int = 20) List[Media] Get medias where a user is tagged
media_info(media_pk: int) Media Return media info
media_delete(media_pk: int) bool Delete media
media_edit(media_pk: int, caption: str, title: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location) dict Change caption for media
media_user(media_pk: int) User Get user info for media
media_oembed(url: str) MediaOembed Return short media info by media URL
media_like(media_id: str) bool Like media
media_unlike(media_id: str) bool Unlike media
media_seen(media_ids: List[str], skipped_media_ids: List[str]) bool Mark a media as seen
media_likers(media_id: str) List[UserShort] Return list of users who liked this post (due to Instagram limitations, this may not return a complete list)
media_archive(media_id: str) bool Archive a media
media_unarchive(media_id: str) bool Unarchive a media
media_pin(media_id: str) bool Pin a media to user profile
media_unpin(media_id: str) bool Unpin a media to user profile

Low level methods:

Method Return Description
media_info_a1(media_pk: int, max_id: str = None) Media Get Media from PK by Public Web API
media_info_gql(media_pk: int) Media Get Media from PK by Public Graphql API
media_info_v1(media_pk: int) Media Get Media from PK by Private Mobile API
user_medias_gql(user_id: str, amount: int = 50, sleep: int = 2) List[Media] Get a user’s media by Public Graphql API
user_medias_paginated_gql(user_id: str, amount: int = 50, sleep: int = 2, end_cursor=None) Tuple[List[Media], str] Get a page of user’s media by Public Graphql API
user_medias_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 18) List[Media] Get a user’s media by Private Mobile API
user_medias_paginated_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 0, end_cursor=””) Tuple[List[Media], str] Get a page of user’s media by Private Mobile API
user_clips_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 50) List[Media] Get a user’s clip by Private Mobile API
user_clips_paginated_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 50, end_cursor=””) Tuple[List[Media], str] Get a page of user’s clip by Private Mobile API
user_videos_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 50) List[Media] Get a user’s video by Private Mobile API
user_videos_paginated_v1(ser_id: int, amount: int = 50, end_cursor=””) Tuple[List[Media], str] Get a page of user’s video by Private Mobile API
usertag_medias_gql(user_id: str, amount: int = 20) List[Media] Get medias where a user is tagged by Public Graphql API
usertag_medias_v1(user_id: str, amount: int = 20) List[Media] Get medias where a user is tagged by Private Mobile API


>>> from aiograpi import Client
>>> cl = Client()
>>> await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

>>> await cl.media_pk_from_code("B-fKL9qpeab")

>>> await cl.media_pk_from_code("B8jnuB2HAbyc0q001y3F9CHRSoqEljK_dgkJjo0")

>>> await cl.media_pk_from_url("")

>>> (await cl.media_info(1787135824035452364)).dict()
{'pk': 1787135824035452364,
 'id': '1787135824035452364_1903424587',
 'code': 'BjNLpA1AhXM',
 'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 25, 15, 46, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
 'media_type': 8,
 'product_type': '',
 'thumbnail_url': None,
 'location': {'pk': 260916528,
  'name': 'Foros, Crimea',
  'address': '',
  'lng': 33.7878,
  'lat': 44.3914,
  'external_id': 181364832764479,
  'external_id_source': 'facebook_places'},
 'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
  'username': 'example',
  'full_name': 'Example Example',
  'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('')},
 'comment_count': 0,
 'like_count': 48,
 'caption_text': '@mind__flowers в Форосе под дождём, 24 мая 2018 #downhill #skateboarding #downhillskateboarding #crimea #foros',
 'usertags': [],
 'video_url': None,
 'view_count': 0,
 'video_duration': 0.0,
 'title': '',
 'resources': [{'pk': 1787135361353462176,
   'video_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
   'media_type': 2},
  {'pk': 1787135762219834098,
   'video_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
   'media_type': 2},
  {'pk': 1787133803186894424,
   'video_url': None,
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', ...),
   'media_type': 1}]}

>>> (await cl.media_oembed("")).dict()
{'version': '1.0',
 'title': 'В гостях у ДК @delai_krasivo_kaifui',
 'author_name': 'example',
 'author_url': '',
 'author_id': 1903424587,
 'media_id': '2154602296692269830_1903424587',
 'provider_name': 'Instagram',
 'provider_url': '',
 'type': 'rich',
 'width': 658,
 'height': None,
 'html': '<blockquote>...',
 'thumbnail_url': '',
 'thumbnail_width': 640,
 'thumbnail_height': 480,
 'can_view': True}

>>> await cl.media_archive('2155832952940083788_1903424587')

>>> await cl.media_unarchive('2155832952940083788_1903424587')

>>> (await cl.user_medias_gql(1903424587, amount=1))[0].dict()
{'pk': 2592252466151482347,
 'id': '2592252466151482347_1903424587',
 'code': 'CP5h-I1FuPr',
 'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 9, 12, 9, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
 'media_type': 8,
 'product_type': '',
 'thumbnail_url': None,
 'location': None,
 'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
  'username': 'example',
  'full_name': '',
  'profile_pic_url': None,
  'profile_pic_url_hd': None,
  'stories': []},
 'comment_count': 5,
 'like_count': 63,
 'has_liked': None,
 'caption_text': 'Любимые подвески ♥️ @daewon1song @tensortrucks',
 'usertags': [{'user': {'pk': 53860445,
    'username': 'tensortrucks',
    'full_name': '',
    'profile_pic_url': None,
    'profile_pic_url_hd': None,
    'stories': []},
   'x': 0.3146666667,
   'y': 0.368159204}],
 'video_url': None,
 'view_count': 0,
 'video_duration': 0.0,
 'title': '',
 'resources': [{'pk': 2592252463089480898,
   'video_url': None,
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/198404255_317668533141074_749682826672118306_n.jpg', query=''),
   'media_type': 1},
  {'pk': 2592252463081081550,
   'video_url': None,
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/198228498_303261361473979_3031095263106513772_n.jpg', query=''),
   'media_type': 1},
  {'pk': 2592252463056089912,
   'video_url': None,
   'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/199142152_323583732599636_4553823395468898634_n.jpg', query=''),
   'media_type': 1}]}

# Use paginated interface to resume fetch from stored cursor

>>> end_cursor = None
... for page in range(3):
...     medias, end_cursor = client.user_medias_paginated(1903424587, 5, end_cursor=end_cursor)
...     print([ for m in medias ])

['2021-06-09', '2019-10-16', '2019-10-14', '2019-06-13', '2019-06-06']
['2019-06-05', '2019-03-23', '2019-03-23', '2018-11-15', '2018-10-16']
['2018-10-16', '2018-10-11', '2018-10-09', '2018-10-09', '2018-08-02']

Download media

Method Return Description
photo_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) Path Download photo (path to photo with best resoluton)
photo_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) Path Download photo by URL (path to photo with best resoluton)
video_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) Path Download video (path to video with best resoluton)
video_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) Path Download Video by URL (path to video with best resoluton)
album_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) Path Download Album (multiple paths to photo/video with best resolutons)
album_download_by_urls(urls: List[str], folder: Path) Path Download Album by URLs (multiple paths to photo/video)
igtv_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) Path Download IGTV (path to video with best resoluton)
igtv_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) Path Download IGTV by URL (path to video with best resoluton)
clip_download(media_pk: int, folder: Path) Path Download Reels Clip (path to video with best resoluton)
clip_download_by_url(url: str, filename: str, folder: Path) Path Download Reels Clip by URL (path to video with best resoluton)


>>> from aiograpi import Client
>>> cl = Client()
>>> await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

>>> await cl.media_pk_from_url("")

>>> video_url = (await cl.media_info(1913256444155036809)).video_url
>>> await cl.video_download_by_url(video_url, folder='/tmp')

>>> await cl.media_pk_from_url("")

>>> await cl.album_download(1787135824035452364)

Upload media

Upload medias to your feed. Common arguments:

Method Return Description
photo_upload(path: Path, caption: str, upload_id: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload photo (Support JPG files)
video_upload(path: Path, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload video (Support MP4 files)
album_upload(paths: List[Path], caption: str, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload Album (Support JPG/MP4 files)
igtv_upload(path: Path, title: str, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload IGTV (Support MP4 files)
clip_upload(path: Path, caption: str, thumbnail: Path, usertags: List[Usertag], location: Location, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload Reels Clip (Support MP4 files)
clip_upload_as_reel_with_music(path: Path, caption: str, track: Track, extra_data: Dict = {}) Media Upload Reels Clip as reel with music metadata

In extra_data, you can pass additional media settings, for example:

Method Type Description
custom_accessibility_caption String Set alternative text {"custom_accessibility_caption": "ALT TEXT HERE"}
like_and_view_counts_disabled Int Disable like and view counts {"like_and_view_counts_disabled": 1}
disable_comments Int Disable comments {"disable_comments": 1}
invite_coauthor_user_id Int Add a coauthor to the post {"invite_coauthor_user_id": "USER ID OF COAUTHOR HERE"}. You also need to add this user to usertags


>>> from aiograpi import Client

>>> cl = Client()
>>> await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

>>> media = await cl.photo_upload(
    "Test caption for photo with #hashtags and mention users such @example",
        "custom_accessibility_caption": "alt text example",
        "like_and_view_counts_disabled": 1,
        "disable_comments": 1,

>>> media.dict()
{'pk': 2573347427873726764,
 'id': '2573347427873726764_1903424587',
 'code': 'CO2Xdn6FCEs',
 'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 14, 10, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
 'media_type': 1,
 'product_type': 'feed',
 'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-15/e35/185486538_463522984736407_6315244509641560230_n.jpg', query='se=8&tp=1&'),
 'location': None,
 'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
  'username': 'example',
  'full_name': 'Example Example',
  'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/156689363_269505058076642_6448820957073669709_n.jpg', query='tp=1&'),
  'stories': []},
 'comment_count': 0,
 'like_count': 0,
 'has_liked': None,
 'caption_text': 'Test caption for photo with #hashtags and mention users such @example',
 'usertags': [],
 'video_url': None,
 'view_count': 0,
 'video_duration': 0.0,
 'title': '',
 'resources': []}

Now let’s mention users (Usertag) and location:

>>> from aiograpi import Client
>>> from aiograpi.types import Usertag, Location

>>> cl = Client()
>>> await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

>>> example = await cl.user_info_by_username('example')
>>> media = await cl.photo_upload(
    "Test caption for photo with #hashtags and mention users such @example",
    usertags=[Usertag(user=example, x=0.5, y=0.5)],
    location=Location(name='Russia, Saint-Petersburg', lat=59.96, lng=30.29)

>>> media.dict()
{'pk': 2573355619819242434,
 'id': '2573355619819242434_1903424587',
 'code': 'CO2ZU1QFMPC',
 'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 14, 10, 25, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
 'media_type': 1,
 'product_type': 'feed',
 'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-15/e35/185426950_474602463640866_4228057388625412955_n.jpg', query='se=8&tp=1&'),
 'location': {'pk': 107617247320879,
  'name': 'Russia, Saint-Petersburg',
  'address': 'Russia, Saint-Petersburg',
  'lng': 30.30605,
  'lat': 59.93318,
  'external_id': 107617247320879,
  'external_id_source': 'facebook_places'},
 'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
  'username': 'example',
  'full_name': 'Example Example',
  'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/156689363_269505058076642_6448820957073669709_n.jpg', query='tp=1&'),
  'stories': []},
 'comment_count': 0,
 'like_count': 0,
 'has_liked': None,
 'caption_text': 'Test caption for photo with #hashtags and mention users such @example',
 'usertags': [{'user': {'pk': 1903424587,
    'username': 'example',
    'full_name': 'Example Example',
    'profile_pic_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='net', host_type='domain', path='/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/156689363_269505058076642_6448820957073669709_n.jpg', query='tp=1&'),
    'stories': []},
   'x': 0.5,
   'y': 0.5}],
 'video_url': None,
 'view_count': 0,
 'video_duration': 0.0,
 'title': '',
 'resources': []}


>>> clips = await cl.user_clips_v1(25025320, amount=2)
>>> clips[0].dict()

{'pk': '3052048407587698594',
 'id': '3052048407587698594_25025320',
 'code': 'CpbDdszj7ei',
 'taken_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 5, 21, 50, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
 'media_type': 2,
 'product_type': 'clips',
 'thumbnail_url': HttpUrl('', scheme='https', host='', tld='com', host_type='domain', port='443', path='/v/t51.2885-15/333966975_152901010970043_8971338145148712917_n.jpg', query='stp=dst-jpg_e15_p150x150&'),
 'location': {'pk': 213011753,
  'name': 'Sydney, Australia',
  'phone': '',
  'website': '',
  'category': '',
  'hours': {},
  'address': '',
  'city': '',
  'zip': None,
  'lng': 151.20797,
  'lat': -33.86751,
  'external_id': 110884905606108,
  'external_id_source': 'facebook_places'},