
🔥 The fastest and powerful Python library for Instagram Private API 2025 with HikerAPI SaaS

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Common Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ClientError Exception Base Exception for Instagram calls
GenericRequestError ClientError Base Exception for Request (Solution: try changing your proxy)
ClientGraphqlError ClientError Exception for GraphQL calls
ClientJSONDecodeError ClientError JSON Exception
ClientConnectionError ClientError Connection error (Solution: try changing your proxy)
ClientBadRequestError ClientError HTTP 400 Exception
ClientUnauthorizedError ClientError HTTP 401 Exception
ClientForbiddenError ClientError HTTP 403 Exception
ClientNotFoundError ClientError HTTP 404 Exception
ClientThrottledError ClientError HTTP 429 Exception (Solution: try changing your proxy)
ClientRequestTimeout ClientError Request Timeout Exception
ClientIncompleteReadError ClientError Raises when response interrupted
ClientLoginRequired ClientError Raises when Instagram required Login (Solution: try changing your proxy)
ReloginAttemptExceeded ClientError Raises when all attempts exceeded
ClientErrorWithTitle ClientError Occurs when Instagram returns an unknown error with the title
ClientUnknownError ClientError Occurs when Instagram returns an unknown error
WrongCursorError ClientError Occurs when the cursor for pagination is passed in the wrong format
ClientStatusFail ClientError Occurs when Instagram returns message with status=fail with details

Proxy Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ProxyError ClientError Base exception for proxy
ConnectProxyError ProxyError Occurs when it is not possible to connect to your proxy
AuthRequiredProxyError ProxyError Occurs when incorrect credentials are passed to authorize your proxy
ProxyAddressIsBlocked PrivateError Happens when your proxy is blocked by Instagram, change your proxy!
SentryBlock PrivateError Raises when get message=sentry_block (most likely you were banned from instagram by ip address. Solution: try changing your proxy)
RateLimitError PrivateError Raises when get message=rate_limit_error (Solution: try changing your proxy)
PleaseWaitFewMinutes PrivateError Raises when get message=”Please wait a few minutes before you try again” (Solution: try changing your proxy)

GraphQL/Public Exceptions

Exception Base Description
AccountSuspended ClientError Your account is suspended
TermsUnblock ClientError Your account may be blocked, you need to agree to the terms
TermsAccept ClientError Your account may be blocked, you need to agree to the terms
AboutUsError ClientError Your account may be blocked

Private Exceptions

Exception Base Description
PrivateError ClientError Base Exception for Private calls (received from Instagram)
FeedbackRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=feedback_required
PreLoginRequired ClientError Raises when authorization is required before calling a method
LoginRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=login_required (from Instagram)
BadPassword PrivateError Raises when get message=bad_password
TwoFactorRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=two_factor_required
UnknownError PrivateError Raises when get unknown message (new message from instagram)
BadCredentials PrivateError The login and password pair for your account have not been passed
IsRegulatedC18Error ClientBadRequestError The user is limited to 18+

Challenge Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ChallengeError PrivateError Base Challenge Exception (received from Instagram)
ChallengeRedirection ChallengeError Raises when get type=CHALLENGE_REDIRECTION
ChallengeRequired ChallengeError Raises when get message=challenge_required
ChallengeSelfieCaptcha ChallengeError Raises when get step=selfie_captcha
ChallengeUnknownStep ChallengeError Occurs when challenge is unknown
SelectContactPointRecoveryForm ChallengeError Raises when get challengeType=SelectContactPointRecoveryForm
RecaptchaChallengeForm ChallengeError Raises when get challengeType=RecaptchaChallengeForm
SubmitPhoneNumberForm ChallengeError Raises when get challengeType=SubmitPhoneNumberForm
LegacyForceSetNewPasswordForm ChallengeError Raises when get challengeType=LegacyForceSetNewPasswordForm
ConsentRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=consent_required
GeoBlockRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=geoblock_required
CheckpointRequired PrivateError Raises when get message=checkpoint_required

Media Exceptions

Exception Base Description
MediaError PrivateError Base Media Exception (received from Instagram)
MediaNotFound MediaError Raises when user unavailable
InvalidTargetUser PrivateError Occurs when the selected user cannot be mentioned (does not exist, has been deleted or is closed by privacy settings)
InvalidMediaId PrivateError Occurs when the selected media does not exists
MediaUnavailable PrivateError Occurs when the selected media is no longer available

User Exceptions

Exception Base Description
UserError PrivateError Base User Exception (received from Instagram)
UserNotFound UserError Raises when user unavailable
PrivateAccount PrivateError The target user is closed by privacy settings

Account Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ResetPasswordError ClientError Raises when password is not reset
UnsupportedError ClientError Raises when option is supported
UnsupportedSettingValue UnsupportedError Raises when account setting value is not supported

Collection Exceptions

Exception Base Description
CollectionError PrivateError Base Collection Exception (received from Instagram)
CollectionNotFound CollectionError Raises when collection unavailable

Direct Exceptions

Exception Base Description
DirectError PrivateError Base Direct Exception
DirectThreadNotFound DirectError Raises when thread not found
DirectMessageNotFound DirectError Raises when message in thread not found

Photo Exceptions

Exception Base Description
PhotoNotDownload PrivateError Raises when source photo not found
PhotoNotUpload PrivateError Raises when photo not upload
PhotoConfigureError PhotoNotUpload Raises when photo not configured
PhotoConfigureStoryError PhotoConfigureError Raises when photo story not configured

Video Exceptions

Exception Base Description
VideoNotDownload PrivateError Raises when source video not found
VideoNotUpload PrivateError Raises when video not upload
VideoConfigureError VideoNotUpload Raises when video not configured
VideoConfigureStoryError VideoConfigureError Raises when video story not configured
VideoTooLongException PrivateError Raises when video too long

IGTV Exceptions

Exception Base Description
IGTVNotUpload PrivateError Raises when IGTV not upload
IGTVConfigureError IGTVNotUpload Raises when IGTV not configured

Reels/Clip Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ClipNotUpload PrivateError Raises when Reels Clip not upload
ClipConfigureError ClipNotUpload Raises when Reels Clip not configured

Album Exceptions

Exception Base Description
AlbumNotDownload PrivateError Raises when album not found
AlbumUnknownFormat PrivateError Raises when format of media not MP4 or JPG
AlbumConfigureError PrivateError Raises when album not configured

Story Exceptions

Exception Base Description
StoryNotFound NotFoundError Raises when story not found

Highlight Exceptions

Exception Base Description
HighlightNotFound NotFoundError Raises when highlight not found

Hashtag Exceptions

Exception Base Description
HashtagError PrivateError Base exception for hashtag
HashtagNotFound NotFoundError Raises when hashtag not found
HashtagPageWarning ClientForbiddenError Occurs when Instagram returns warning_message with category_name=HASHTAG_PAGE_WARNING_MESSAGE

Location Exceptions

Exception Base Description
LocationError PrivateError Base exception for location
LocationNotFound NotFoundError Raises when location not found

Comment Exceptions

Exception Base Description
CommentNotFound PrivateError Raises when comment not found
CommentsDisabled PrivateError The ability to comment has been disabled by the author of the post

Share Exceptions

Exception Base Description
ShareDecodeError PrivateError Occurs when the data format for Share-obj is incorrect

Note Exceptions

Exception Base Description
NoteNotFound NotFoundError Raises when note not found

Track Exceptions

Exception Base Description
TrackNotFound NotFoundError Raises when track not found