
🔥 Asynchronous Python library for Instagram Private API 2025

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aiograpi provides various types of Interactions that can be used to control how the program will interact with the Instagram:

Interacting with Instagram Account

aiograpi provides the following Interactions that can be used to control and get the information about your Instagram account:

await cl.login("aiograpi", "42")
# await cl.login("aiograpi", "42", verification_code="123456")  # with 2FA verification_code
# await cl.login_by_sessionid("peiWooShooghahdi2Eip7phohph0eeng")
# cl.set_proxy("http://username:password@")
# cl.set_proxy("socks5://username:password@")
# when addressing the proxy via hostname:
# cl.set_proxy("socks5h://username:password@exampleproxy.tld:30235")

print(await cl.user_info(cl.user_id))

We recommend using these proxies


Property Description
request_logger Logger in which various actions from Instagram are registered
request_timeout Timeout in seconds between requests (1 second by default)


Method Return Description
login(username: str, password: str) bool Login by username and password (get new cookies if it does not exist in settings)
login(username: str, password: str, verification_code: str) bool Login by username and password with 2FA verification code (use Google Authenticator or something similar to generate TOTP code, not work with SMS)
relogin() bool Re-login with clean cookies (required cl.username and cl.password)
login_by_sessionid(sessionid: str) bool Login by sessionid from Instagram site
inject_sessionid_to_public() bool Inject sessionid from Private Session to Public Session
logout() bool Logout

You can pass settings to the Client (and save cookies), it has the following format:

settings = {
   "uuids": {
      "phone_id": "57d64c41-a916-3fa5-bd7a-3796c1dab122",
      "uuid": "8aa373c6-f316-44d7-b49e-d74563f4a8f3",
      "client_session_id": "6c296d0a-3534-4dce-b5aa-a6a6ab017443",
      "advertising_id": "8dc88b76-dfbc-44dc-abbc-31a6f1d54b04",
      "device_id": "android-e021b636049dc0e9"
   "cookies":  {},  # set here your saved cookies
   "last_login": 1596069420.0000145,
   "device_settings": {
      "cpu": "h1",
      "dpi": "640dpi",
      "model": "h1",
      "device": "RS988",
      "resolution": "1440x2392",
      "app_version": "",
      "manufacturer": "LGE/lge",
      "version_code": "168361634",
      "android_release": "6.0.1",
      "android_version": 23
   "user_agent": "Instagram Android (23/6.0.1; ...US; 168361634)"

cl = Client(settings)


Store and manage uuids, device configuration, user agent, authorization data (aka cookies) and other session settings

Method Return Description
get_settings() dict Return settings dict
set_settings(settings: dict) bool Set session settings
load_settings(path: Path) dict Load session settings from file
dump_settings(path: Path) bool Serialize and save session settings to file

In order for Instagram to trust you more, you must always login from one device and one IP (or from a subnet):

cl = Client()
await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

Next time:

cl = Client()
await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
await cl.get_timeline_feed()  # check session

Manage device, proxy and other account settings

Method Return Description
set_proxy(dsn: str) dict Support socks and http/https proxy “scheme://username:password@host:port”. We recommend using these proxies
private.proxies dict Stores used proxy servers for private (mobile, v1) requests
public.proxies dict Stores used proxy servers for public (web, graphql) requests
set_device(device: dict) bool Change device settings (Android Device Information Generator Online)
device dict Return device dict which we pass to Instagram
set_user_agent(user_agent: str = “”) bool Change User-Agent header (User Agents)
cookie_dict dict Return cookies
user_id int Return your user_id (after login)
base_headers dict Base headers for Instagram
set_country(country: str = “US”) bool Set country (advice: use the country of your proxy)
set_country_code(country_code: int = 1) bool Set country calling code. Default: +1 (USA)
set_locale(locale: str = “en_US”) bool Set locale (advice: use the locale of your proxy)
set_timezone_offset(seconds: int) bool Set timezone offset in seconds
cl = Client()

# Los Angles user:
cl.set_timezone_offset(-7 * 60 * 60)  # Los Angeles UTC (GMT) -7 hours == -25200 seconds
    'user_agent': 'Instagram Android (26/8.0.0; 480dpi; 1080x1920; Xiaomi; MI 5s; capricorn; qcom; en_US; 301484483)',
    'country': 'US',
    'country_code': 1,
    'locale': 'en_US',
    'timezone_offset': -25200

# Moscow user:
cl.set_country_code(7)  # +7
cl.set_timezone_offset(3 * 3600)  # Moscow UTC+3
    'user_agent': 'Instagram Android (26/8.0.0; 480dpi; 1080x1920; Xiaomi; MI 5s; capricorn; qcom; ru_RU; 301484483)',
    'country': 'RU',
    'country_code': 7,
    'locale': 'ru_RU',
    'timezone_offset': 10800

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